What Is Job Distribution Software?

women explaining job distribution software
Posted on 25 May 2023 In Uncategorised

Job distribution software enables recruiters to post job adverts to thousands of job sites and social media platforms in one go – resulting in a more streamlined, targeted and efficient hiring process.

Not only does this software ensure that your job postings are seen by the right people in the right places, it also provides a simpler, more automated approach to managing the entire application process from start to finish.

Using the right job distribution software saves you time and makes your recruitment processes more precise – enabling you to source high-calibre hires with less effort and greater consistency. Without it, you risk losing out on exceptional talent to your closest competitors, shallowing your talent pool and wasting precious time, money and resources.

Broadbean is a pioneer in the field of job distribution software. With over 20 years of experience delivering global job distribution services, we put all our expertise into developing the world’s number one talent attraction platform.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about job posting distribution software solutions and why Broadbean is leading the way.

How does job distribution software work?

Job distribution software enables recruiters and hiring managers to simultaneously post job adverts to job boards, search engines and social media channels. A key factor in choosing job distribution software is the broadness of its reach. At Broadbean, for example, our Aplitrak job posting distribution software gives recruiters instant access to more than 7,000 global job boards across 100 countries – making our software the largest distributor of adverts in the world.

A good job distribution software saves you time and money by speeding up recruitment processes and integrating seamlessly with your existing software. This is another reason why Broadbean is a market leader. Our Aplitrak software incorporates performance analytics that pinpoint your best-performing channels, provides dedicated support, and integrates workflows with your existing ATS or CRM software.

How and where do most businesses post job vacancies?

Many businesses focus on advertising via recruitment agencies, on their website and on industry specific job boards. A report by CIPD, though, found that the top five most effective methods of attracting talent in 2022 were:

  • Company’s corporate website (47%)
  • Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn (45%)
  • Recruitment/search consultants (44%)
  • Internal advertising to existing talent pools (39%)
  • Commercial/industry-specific job boards (23%)

(CIPD’s Resourcing and Talent Planning Report 2022)

Faced with all of these effective pathways to recruitment, it makes sense for recruiters to use a job distribution software that can target all of these platforms at once.

Why social media matters

According to research by StandOut CV, nearly four-fifths (79%) of job applicants used social media to search for roles in the last 12 months, with 40 million people trawling LinkedIn for jobs every week. These statistics are not lost on Broadbean customers like Yell, who used our job distribution software to identify Twitter as their most valuable platform for generating job clicks.

Building your database

Job distribution software can play a major role in helping companies become more proactive with their recruitment processes – especially if the software helps you build your internal database of talent. A talent search capability, for example, enables you to engage with new talent and reconnect with previous candidates, so you never lose track of your best applicants.

Broadbean’s Aplitrak software incorporates a Talent Search solution that enables you to tag and index applicants – so you can engage with new talent efficiently and re-engage with previous candidates when similar roles arise. Our software is designed to be fully integrated with your CMS/ATS of choice, providing you with a tangible ROI without increasing your spending.

Finding the right candidates

According to the CIPD’s report, one of the biggest recruitment challenges of 2022 was attracting suitable candidates.

Over three-quarters (77%) of organisations struggled to attract suitable hires, with senior or skilled roles proving the most problematic. This figure is a marked increase from the 49% reported in 2021. Job posting distribution software can help recruiters and hiring managers to move the dial by targeting skilled candidates via a range of platforms, including industry-specific job boards to reach hard-to-find talent using a more precise approach.

The report also showed that just 27% of organisations actively target passive candidates – mostly via headhunters and industry specific recruitment platforms. This represents a huge missed opportunity that could be easily leveraged using Broadbean’s Talent Search solution to re-engage with high-calibre previous candidates.

Attracting diverse talent

Recruiters and hiring managers are also struggling to attract diverse talent, according to the CIPD report. Job distribution software can help overcome this perennial issue by broadening the reach of your job posts to a wider talent pool well beyond the usual channels. With the world’s largest distribution network at your disposal, Broadbean’s solutions can help you to cast the net wider.

Tips and tricks for using job distribution software

Once you’ve decided to purchase job distribution software, integrating it should be easy and add efficiency to your processes from day one. You can enhance the effectiveness of your Broadbean software with the following tips and tricks:

  • Leverage your website – Broadbean’s solution can be used to post jobs to your own corporate website.
  • Spell-check your ads – Broadbean eliminates sloppy spelling and grammatical errors with a built-in spell check.
  • Approve ads before they go live – AdApprove enables you to configure your approvals before ads go live.
  • Design and integrate workflows – Be sure to tailor your workflow between your ATS/CRM and job boards.
  • Don’t forget to ask for help – Broadbean’s support teams provide support and training whenever you need it.

Try Broadbean’s job distribution software today

Broadbean’s job posting distribution software will give your business a competitive edge. Our time- and cost-saving software makes sourcing, tracking and placing the best talent a much faster, simpler and more convenient process.

We can give you access to the best networks, technology and support to supercharge your direct sourcing methods. Precision acquisitions are just a few clicks away.

So what are you waiting for? Get the data and insights you need to optimise your recruitment strategy with the world’s number one talent attraction platform from Broadbean. For more information about our job posting distribution software, please get in touch with the Broadbean team for advice and support. Contact us online today, call us on 0800 085 3061 or email corpsales@broadbean.com.

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